When it comes to a family budget, there are two types of expenses to concern yourself with: fixed and variable.
Fixed expenses are those that you need to pay and tend to stay the same each month. For homeowners, mortgage payments and property taxes are examples of fixed expenses.
Variable expenses are those that can change each month. Examples are utilities, transportation, food, and entertainment.
You can add up all the money you can save by cutting back on entertainment expenses such as:
- cigarettes
- beer
- wine
- gambling
- movies
- restaurants
We think you’ll amaze yourself with how much money you can save each year by having fewer drinks or smokes.
Start by choosing an item from the above list. Next input how many per day, week, or month you consume. For example, if you go for two coffees per day and spend $4 per cup, you’d put $4 as the cost of the item and two for how many and “per day” in the drop-down menu.
The calculator will display the yearly cost of the habit. In the example above, the cost of two $4 coffees per day is $2,920 annually.
In the last column, you can put how many of the items you will give up per day, week or month. I said that I would give up one coffee per day, so the calculator displayed that this would result in yearly savings of $1,460. Not bad!
But that’s not all. The Guilt Calculator lets you add as many expenses as you like. It displays the yearly cost of habit and savings for each.
At the bottom of the Guilt Calculator is the “calculate” button. When you click this button, it displays your total yearly cost and savings in a pie chart.
Not sure which debt solution is right for you? Click the button at the bottom of the calculator to get your free savings estimate.
This calculator isn’t to say you can’t enjoy the simple things in life like a coffee or a night out at a restaurant. However, it does show you how small regular spending can really add up at the end of a year.
If you find you’re not saving as much money as you had hoped, you can find ways to save money without giving up your favourite habits altogether. You can choose to cut back on what gives you the least pleasure and keep what you enjoy most.
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